Our Financial
Planning Process

Our planning process is grounded in the belief that advice and service should be as unique as the individual. Each financial plan is tailored to the client’s specific circumstances taking into account their cash flow, investment objective, personal goals, and other factors.

Our Process

Our Process

Our 5 Step Financial Planning Process


We understand your biggest concerns, most important goals and unique situations. 

This call will help us understand your life journey, your unique approach towards money, what money means to you and how you want us to help you.

We will take you through our process and help you understand how we can help you create a financial plan to achieve your goals.


We will share a formal Letter of Engagement with the terms of service for your digital signatures. 

On successful payment of the agreed fee, we will share the next steps Risk Profile Assessment, KYC & Data Collection.

We will collect essential financial information like income, expenses, assets liabilities and priorities to help us build an accurate, detailed financial profile to tailor our recommendations.


We will prepare a customized financial plan, where we assess your current cash flows and asset allocation. Your financial plan will include insights on debt management, insurance, retirement and goal planning. The financial plan will achieve three objectives. 

Give you clarity on your financial goals. Will help you understand which goals you can achieve and what changes you need to implement.

Simplify investment options and help you understand the various investment instruments.

Provide a structure to monitor and manage your financial plan on a on-going basis.


A financial plan is no good if you are not able to implement the action points. We will share an excel based action points execution tracker with the list of all action points.

You can start implementing the action points – making new investments, adjusting spending habits, or prioritising goals. We will connect after a month for a review to understand the progress on implementation of the financial plan. 


As life changes, your financial plan will need to evolve too. We’ll schedule regular reviews – either quarterly or half-yearly depending on your circumstances & requirements, to track your progress and make necessary adjustments.

We do not place any restrictions on the number of meetings or queries you raise that will help you stay on course to meet your financial goals with professional guidance.

Our Ideal clients

We specialize in helping people from diverse financial backgrounds take control of their finances with customized solutions. Our ideal clients share common goals but have unique stories. Here are some profiles to help you see if our services align with your needs.

Career Driven

Career Driven Investor

Common Challenges:

1. Feeling overwhelmed by complex investment options
2. Unsure if savings are enough to maintain their lifestyle in retirement
3. Wants a plan that works for their busy life

Young Family

Happy Family

Common Challenges:

1. Conflicting financial goals (home purchase, children’s education, retirement)
2. Unsure how much to allocate to each goal
3. Limited time to manage financial decisions

DIY Validation

DIY Investor

Common Challenges:

1. Uncertain if current investment portfolio is optimized
2. Unsure about asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing
3. Concerns about balancing risk and return to ensure long-term security for the family

Near Retiree

Retirement Planning

Common Challenges:

1. Uncertainty about whether they have saved enough for retirement
2. Concern about market volatility affecting their investments
3. Desire to leave a financial legacy for children

What you Get

Our 3 Promises


Understand Your Financial Situation

We provide you with a detailed understanding of your financial situation, helping you gain clarity on:

  • Where you stand financially: A comprehensive snapshot of your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.
  • What goals are achievable: We assess your financial goals and help you distinguish between what’s attainable and what might require more effort.
  • How to prioritize your goals: Not all goals can be pursued simultaneously. We’ll help you identify which goals to focus on first and what trade-offs might be necessary.
  • What course corrections are needed: As life evolves, so do financial priorities. We guide you through any adjustments needed to stay on track.


Focus on What Matters

Successful financial management doesn’t have to be complicated. We believe in simple strategies that deliver long-term results. Here’s how we ensure simplicity:

  • Straightforward solutions: We cut through the complexity of financial markets, offering you clear and actionable steps.
  • Avoiding unnecessary distractions: Many people are tempted to take on complex strategies that often lead to confusion. We help you avoid those pitfalls and focus on what truly works.
  • Consistency is key: The best financial strategies are the ones that are easy to follow and maintain. We’ll design a plan that’s simple but effective, allowing you to consistently build wealth and security.



Framework for Taking Action

A financial plan isn’t just something you create once and forget. It’s a living guide that requires consistent monitoring and adjustment. We provide you with a framework for action that covers three major triggers:

  • Change in goals or personal circumstances: Life changes—whether it’s a new job, a child’s education, or a major purchase, we help you reassess and adjust your plan as needed.
  • Deviation from ideal asset allocation: If your investments drift from the ideal allocation due to market performance, we guide you in rebalancing to stay aligned with your long-term strategy.
  • Change in market conditions or investment options: Financial markets can change rapidly, and new investment opportunities might arise. We’ll help you stay ahead by adjusting your portfolio when necessary.